

Copyright is a right that will protect the owners work from being copied or used by anyone else without asking the owner permission to use it.

When creating or editing images you can not take someone else’s image and pass it off as your own, if you wanted to use this image you would have to ask the owners permission before using it. If you are to use an image off the internet make sure that it is copy right free.

When creating a digital image or editing a digital image the user can’t use anyone else’s work unless they have asked permission to do so. If a client wants a certain type of image that is copyright then person creating the image will have to ask the person who owns the image if they can use it and if they say no then the client will not have that in their image.

If you where to edit an image that stands for something that is true then manipulating it to say that this is what it looks like then this is a breach of copyright to the owner  of the image, as you manipulated an image that stood for something and changed it without asking them and making the image fiction.

With changing the way an image looks becomes harder to identify weather or not it is an original image or a fake, if you are changing an image to suit a client and they have given you the image to change you still have to ask the owner if that’s ok. But if you changed the image without asking for permission and give it back to the client changed, if the client uses it for promoting their business then the owner of the original image can press charges on you as you have manipulated the image with out asking them this is a breach of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

If you have taken a photo and then manipulated it your self then that image is yours. That image is your own copyright automatically and you don’t need to apply for copyright. If someone takes your image and tries to use it as their own then they are breaching the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 by taking your image.

 If you have taken a photograph by as part of your employment it mans that the company that you work for owns the image not you so you can’t use that image as your own.

 When you are editing an image you can’t recolour the image, crop, add in other images to it, change how it looks if you do any of these you are breaking the copyright law.

 If you wanted to get permission to use an image that is copyright you have to fill out a clearance sheet to ask permission from the owner and tell them the reason why you need that image.

There are exceptions for copyright that you can copy work for studying for exams, copying for instructions and use of the library.

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